Since the Farm Bill was passed in 2018, the production of hemp became legalized for the first time since 1937, resulting in cannabidiol (CBD) becoming one of the most sought after goods for a wide range of consumers. Companies offer a variety of forms of CBD, including but not limited to, sports drinks, gummies, tinctures, topicals, and beyond – there is certainly no shortage in ways CBD is created nowadays. In fact, the CBD industry is on its way to becoming a $1.8 billion industry in 2022 in the U.S. alone.
While there are many great benefits that CBD has to offer, there are still challenges that companies are faced with. This is due to the fact that cannabis, being legal in 19 states, continues to face challenges as it is still illegal on a federal level. Consequently, companies of all sizes face serious advertising challenges, similar to tobacco, gambling, and even guns, given there are rigorous limitations or complete bans involved.
As a result, this does not help given that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved CBD products except for Epidiolex. Therefore, CBD brands are not allowed to make any medical claims regarding the efficacy of their products, even though many are supported by peer-reviewed studies and anecdotal evidence.
If you have a CBD brand, it is important that you work with a digital marketing company who understands the industry, as well as the state and federal regulations involved. At Branding Los Angeles, our team has the skills, experience, and resources necessary to help bring your CBD brand to the next level. Contact our team to learn more about how we can help with your digital marketing strategy.
It is important to know that huge digital advertising platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Google, and Amazon prohibit CBD brands from running paid ads. This means that the only feasible way to get your brand’s name out there through digital marketing is by creating valuable and high quality content that is supported by effective SEO strategies, stunning branding, interactive websites, user-generated content, and media placements. While there are limitations, it is important to realize that when done correctly, digital marketing can take your brand to a whole new level.
Therefore, it is imperative that you leverage your digital marketing strategies. This includes investing in educational and expert-led content that is backed by authoritative sources, such as .edu, .org, and others. This can certainly help your brand’s search rankings. However, it is worth noting that this strategy can only go so far due to the fact that many of these channels have become saturated over time, although still effective.
With that being said, how else can you possibly leverage your CBD marketing strategies and take them to the next level? Our team at Branding Los Angeles can help you every step of the way.
Continue reading to learn about some of the most effective CBD marketing strategies for your brand:

High-profile celebrities, athletes, as well as lesser-known figures have joined the movement of the CBD lifestyle. This means that there is no shortage of people out there who would be willing to be involved in influencer marketing for your brand. Having an influencer for your brand doesn’t mean that you need a celebrity or athlete endorsement, you just need someone out there that can make a significant impact and reach a wider audience. You can do so by finding the right influencer in the right community or relevant industry that can help benefit your brand. There are thousands of different influencers out there in different niches today that are able to engage with their followers, who can promote your brand in an organic way. And while there are countless influencers out there, it is important to know that finding the right one(s) isn’t always easy. In fact, even influencers with a smaller audience can have more engagement. So don’t limit yourself in finding the right influencer for you.
Although CBD ads are not allowed on digital platforms, that doesn’t mean that it has to stop there. In fact, many CBD brands are moving their efforts into communities where CBD lovers are already meeting. Native advertising is a subcategory of advertising, which is generally within a digital publication, and allows placements of relevant content. For instance, publications like Civilized allow visitors to learn more about your brand surrounding the CBD industry.

Traditional advertising like billboards may be old-school, but it is still effective. This can help increase your brand awareness in specific locations. One of the biggest drawbacks, though, is the fact that billboards are expensive. And just like digital marketing, you will need to adhere to local and state laws in order for certain placements. For example, some local and state laws may prohibit placements near schools or places of worship.
Content marketing, such as high quality blogs specific to your niche can be a great form of digital marketing. Valuable content that is relative to your industry can help drive traffic to your website, generate leads, and establish you as an authority in your industry. Therefore, having high quality content is imperative to your digital marketing strategy.

If you are in the CBD business, you know the positive and negative effects that bad CBD & CBD oil packaging can have on your business. This is why we offer a team of graphic design experts who have previously worked with various clients on CBD specific packaging, as well as packing for other products. Our graphic design team has the creative eye and ideas that are vital to creating packaging that attracts customers to your products.
You can’t have effective CBD packaging without having a logo to go alongside it. A logo is just as important, if not more important, than the packaging itself. It’s how consumers are able to identify your product and differentiate themselves from others. Your CBD logo design should be an essential part of your plan if you are trying to have a successful CBD business. Our graphic design team has the potential to create a your brand’s logo that is unique, creative, and eye-catching.
Professional photography does wonders for consumers, as they are able to have a crisp, clear image of your product. Photography for CBD products is necessary to have if you are building a website or marketing your product through social media. Photography has the ability to sell or sink your business as consumers want only the best products.
At Branding Los Angeles, our team has the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to provide your CBD brand with a unique and highly effective marketing strategy perfectly curated to your needs and goals. If you are searching for the best CBD digital marketing company, our team is here to help reach your goals!