While some eagerly wait for the new algorithm that Instagram has announced, others boycott and protest it. The previous algorithm listed posts in chronological order; the new algorithm will list posts by how popular they are. As with most changes, some people will like the new, while others prefer the traditional. Many Instagrammers fear that celebrities and major companies will flood their news feed instead of their friends. Though many people are boycotting the new algorithm, Instagram is unmoved and still plans to proceed with it.


 Branding Los Angeles your Instagram Marketing Specialists lists some ways to make your posts seen:

1. Work with Instagram instead of against it

Instead of posting things that are less likely to be engaging to your audience, post things that are more likely to attract Instagrammers. For example, posts with good natural light, good levels of brightness and contrast may more likely be engaging than random low-quality pictures. Also, try posting things that would engage most of your audience rather than the minority.


2. Connect with people who have the same interests

Try connecting with people who have similar interests; by doing so you are more likely to have more likes. Commenting and sharing will also increase engagement among your friends; in return your posts may be commented on or shared by your friends.


3. The “Turn me on” campaign

The “turn me on” campaign was created by Instagrammers by posting hastags such as #turnmeon. The goal is to let their audience have notifications turned on for them. While the “turn me on” campaign is quite popular for many, it’s unreasonable as no one wants to be inundated with notifications. To turn on notifications: go to the person’s Instagram page, click the three dots in the top right corner of the screen and click “Turn on Post Notifications.”



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