Krispy Kreme has always been a household name in the restaurant industry since 1937, their product displays how good bread and sugar can taste.  The best branding companies spend a pretty penny to get their brand on the front pages of certain mainstream outlets. As big of a brand Krispy Kreme is, it is hard to believe they have never used any form of traditional methods of advertisement. They’re one of the few companies that let their product do the advertising. They became the juggernaut of donuts due to word of mouth from their customers. If NBA legend Charles Barkley loves your donuts, then you are doing something right.


With the new year coming along there seem to be more and more people struggling to stick to their new year’s resolution. These resolutions often relate to weight loss. With this in mind, Krispy Kreme has announced a new item on the menu which are miniature-sized donuts. Only 90 calories a donut, this product is to cater to those who want a tasty snack, but do not want to feel guilty about it. 


The chief marketing officer for Krispy Kreme explained that “Too many people bail on their New Year’s resolutions before they are even halfway through January. That’s no good. Sometimes a mini-indulgence, or cheat, is all you need to help you stick with it. So, we miniaturized our most popular doughnuts. A little Krispy Kreme goes a long way.

Marketing to people who are already close to giving up their weight-loss resolutions is genius. This specific audience is already tempted to give up and buy the product, but now that there is a “healthier version”, more people will come into the store to try it out. There is even a possibility that customers who buy the mini donuts, may even buy a normal-sized donut cause of the temptation. Having new menu items means new promotional offers. Krispy Kreme will be having “mini Mondays” throughout the month of January, patrons can go in for a free mini donut from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Check with your local Krispy Kreme to see if they are participating in this promotion. 

Donuts speak for themselves. If there is an amount of hype surrounding them, the crowd will come. Gimmick or no Gimmick, Krispy Kreme will always have an audience to market their product too. 

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